יום שלישי, 26 בינואר 2010

The Throes of War

A country always in the throes of war
And fear whether in door or out of door.
Though in pain, it makes no difference,
We’ve got used to indifference.
Death’s become part of every one’s menu,
I might be next to fall, or perhaps you.
Beautiful is the landscape, but the song,
Alas, is melancholic the year long,
We’re just too afraid to enjoy the streams
Dried by the voice of greed haunting our dreams.
Barren are our hearts, laden with sorrow,
No matter how much we have, life’s hollow.
We can’t truly smile unless our hearts smile,
And if they do it’s only for a short while.
A miserable life,alsa, we’re leading,
Whatever we possess is misleading.
All the treasures are just of no avail,
If we know nothing except mourn and wail.
There’s no vision or inspiration,
No enlightment or revelation.
Whatever we think is war related,
So much hatred we’ve just generated.
We simply won’t have a chance to rejoice,
If we do not listen to reason’s voice,
‘Acknowledge the others’ rights the way you
Want them to acknowledge yours, so please do.

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