יום רביעי, 27 בינואר 2010


Dracula’s back, he’s still alive,
He’s got many ways to survive.
Sometimes a freak may rule a state,
Though he’s Dracula incarnate.
He just feeds on innocent blood,
Insatiable so it should flood.
Ironically some suggest
He’s the new era’s peace prophet.
Of course he’s worshipped by his kind,
For they have the same twisted mind.
They make fun of us every day,
Still we smile for we have no say.
They’ve become the world’s ‘directors’,
It’s their stage and they’re its ‘protectors’.
We’re sacrificed to their pleasure
And they take whatever measure.
The end, to impose their own will,
The means ‘justified’ burn and kill.
The end paradoxically
And damn it ironically
Is the ‘welfare of the human race’
Which they actually do deface.
The means ideological,
Religious or political
Still causes chaos and terror
And inflicts despair and horror.
War always leads to destruction
Which then leads to the obstruction
Of all efforts to peace making,
The result of course is just talking.
Hatred is destructive to man,
Restrain it as much as you can.
Hatred, whatever excuses
You may have, evil produces.
There’s nothing sacred about war,
Nothing humane, money’s the core.
In our time all leads to this end,
Whatever the means, the same blend.
There’s Dracula in every one
While nothing has been rightly done.
We fight evil by devilish means,
Transparent in every day’s scenes.
Those who need Dracula’s favor,
Fill thier mouths with mud and water.
So what if millions die or will,
as long as their pockets they fill.
The dead just get what they ‘deserve’,
For they all Draculas preserve.
Somebody of course has to pay,
The innocent I hear them say.

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