יום שלישי, 26 בינואר 2010

Kill, Kill

You cannot mean well,
If you ring the knell
Every day and night
And believe you’re right.
If you just destroy,
Peace is a decoy,
Never say you will
Get peace if yoy kill.
If that’s true, go ahead,
Kill each infant in bed,
Spill its bottle of milk,
Cut off its hair of silk,
Smother its pure smile,
End up the short while
It hass lived so far
In tin roofed with tar.
Kill every olive tree
And every toiling bee,
They don’t deserve to live
For someday they might give
Life to a little child
That might get mad and wild
So as to chalenge you
And get his life anew.
Ravish the fields of corn,
The flowers newly born,
Break the hens’ fragile legs,
Destroy their nests and eggs.
Kill the birds in the yard,
The horses working hard.
Kill every adolescent
Inside his shaking tent
Which has been on the move
As you wanted to prove.
Kill his young ambition,
Isn’t that your mission?
Kill him it’s not a ‘crime’,
‘He’s not worth a dime.’
Go ahead! Stab each womb,
Dig a collective tomb,
Sharpen your swords and knives
And take their ‘worthless’ lives.
I’m so sorry for you’
They spoil all that you do,
They’re not afraid to die
And they’re not used to cry.
Since they alawys revive,
They’re easily survive.
Go ahead! Take down schools,
Break the pencils and tools.
Kill every body,
No one needs to study.
Pull down the orphan’s roof
Deprrirve him of his loaf.
Destroy the fertile field,
Don’t let ever yield
Any crop for those mouths
Hunger stricken for months.
Kill their memory
And their painful history,
Otherwise they’l haunt you
And they will surely do.
Beware of those who fall
For they’ll demand your soul.
Beware of those who die
And you can’t justify.
Killers are naturally
Much weaker morally,
They hide behind their arms,
Yet their legs shake and arms.
Take every possible life
With your axe and knife,
Kill them, spare no parent
Or any grandparent.
But will you be content?
Will you take the hint?
Let’s hope that very soon
You’ll see you’re a balloon
Void of any substance
That can beat resistance.
It’s so useless indeed,
But you simply need
A moment’s true vision
To reach the decision
That ensures life for all
And stop this senseless fall.

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