יום רביעי, 27 בינואר 2010

Hadn’t the Night

Hadn’t the night spread its mantle,
They would have died in the battle.
Two enemies one from each side
Trying to get away or hide.
The bush could offer them shelter
So as to avoid each other,
But could they escape the wild beasts
That were looking for human feasts?
Many a time they were a threat
To those who passed through or there dwelt.
In fact they were responsible
For many deaths and quite possible
They would very soon start to flood
Drawn by the smell of flesh and blood.
The two enemies, however,
Feared to encounter each other
Ignoring the hyenas which
Began to loom out of a ditch.
So as darkness was thickening,
The hyenas kept threatening.
Meanwhile their great pain continued
Though they did show much fortitude.
However bad they were wounded,
Their suspicions loudlier sounded.
The moon suddenly lit the zone
Where scattered corpses could be shown.
Hideous movement was felt around,
Yet they couldn’t utter a sound.
Each other they kept avoiding
Though they were seriously bleeding.
The movement became tense and heads
Did pop out of the grassy beds.
The sounds grew louder and louder
And danger got much closer.
Still they remained nailed to their fear
And soon the hyenas would them tear.
The beasts became so persistent
That the danger was imminent.
They just had to work together
Or they’d be doomed altogether.
Finally one of them ventured out
And unexpectedly began to shout.
He looked bewildered and dizzy
When he came forward in frenzy.
“Why aren’t you shooting?” He shouted
Although terrified he sounded.
Completely taken by surprise
The other foe could hardly rise.
He looked weak, haggard and so pale
That even to talk he would fail.
But he pulled himself together
And managed somehow to stutter,
“I’ve got some bullets but no gun,
I’ve lost it, so what can be done?”
“It’s all right; throw them to me now,
My gun is still with me somehow,
But I’m short of bullets that’s why
I couldn’t shoot but you and I
Will soon drive these bastards away
And call for help without delay.”

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